Bądź częścią naszej społeczności
Publiczna strona profilu nostr, przesyłanie plików, przekierowanie do sieci lightning i wiele więcej. Dziękujemy za zaufanie!
Some steps are required
Your account has been created. But some steps are required to complete the registration process.
Registration successful
Your account has been created. You can now login and start using all our services!
One time code required
We have sent you an nostr direct message with a one time code to ensure that you are the owner of the pubkey. Use your favorite nostr client to retrieve the code and complete the registration process.
Payment required
We have generated a lightning invoice for you to pay. Once confirmed this QR will disappear. Use your favorite lightning wallet to pay the invoice.
Invoice amount: sats
Not sure which wallet to use? Check out the awesome Alby wallet.